Tomorrow officially begins the third trimester! Still quite a bit of action going on in the belly...and hiccups at least once/day :-) He should start to run out of room though here in the next couple weeks and settle down (hopefully head down). The crazy movement is entertaining, but the entertainment really stops when he kicks the bladder :-) The nursery is coming along; Nate painted until about 9:30 p.m. on Friday night and again on Saturday to finish up the wainscoting. We need to do another coat of green and then it is time to get it all cleaned out and ready for the furniture that will be arriving in the next few weeks.
The pic above is Jenny Hamilton and I this past weekend. Jen is 28 weeks today (with her second) and I am 27 weeks. She doesn't know what she is having, but I am sure the little ones will be good friends, regardless. Maybe even with the same birthday....you never know!