I'm back!!! I finally found some time away from the sweet little munchkin to post some more pictures. Reid will be one week old tomorrow and to celebrate, here are some photos of all the fun we have been having over the past few days. First, I have to say thank you to Kara for doing such a great job with the blog while we were in the hospital. I finally got to look at it when we got home and she did great! We came home from the hospital on Friday to a house full of help and good food (thanks everyone!). After spending 2 nights in the hospital, we were all glad to be able to rest up at home. Our first couple of nights here at home were very rough--up pretty much all night trying to get the hang of feeding. The past couple of nights have been better and last night was great. It's amazing how a good 4-5 hours of sleep (not all at once of course) can make you feel like a functioning person again. Reid is an absolute angel....we had our first doctor's appointment yesterday and though he screamed the whole time, he was given a glowing report and has gained 7 ounces in the past two days! He is up to 7 pounds 14 oz and on his way back up to his birth weight--he will be there before we know it. His Daddy and I are absolutely head over heels in love with him and are enjoying our (often sleepless) time at home and getting to know our precious little boy. We would like to thank all of our family and friends for all of their love, support, advice and well wishes!