Ok, so I owe this blog a ton of pictures....I have gotten into facebook and been doing much better keeping things up to date there...whoops!
Reid is doing great and was 13 lbs, 10 ounces and 24 inches long at his 8 week check up on Sept 3rd. He is now 10 1/2 weeks old and still growing....
Nights are going much better, as he goes to bed around 9 p.m. and sleeps until 4 or 5:30, eats and goes back to sleep until 7ish. We are hoping he will someday get to the 12 hour sleep stage (does that really exist?), but for now we are counting our blessings and enjoying the nice block of sleep we are all getting each night!
We had a couple of family trips this summer; went to the beach house twice and we also took Reid down to Gold Beach.....you should have seen the look on the hotel manager's face when he asked me how old our 'one child' was....6 weeks!!! :-) It was an adventure, but nice to get out of town and away from the heat.
We are all settling back into a routine now and are getting back into the swing of work and school....and of course, Beaver football :-)