Thursday, March 10, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Here We Go AGAIN!!!

Baby Neuschwander #2 will be here on or around July 12th!! Things are going well and we are more than half way there!! Once again it’s been a fairly easy pregnancy (thank goodness). I didn’t feel real well during the first trimester and weeks 6-8 were terrible, but I got over that just in time for Thanksgiving and have been able to eat—probably too well—ever since J My belly is definitely bigger this time around, as my stomach muscles have done this before. I’m also carrying this one a lot lower, which I don’t mind but now I am starting to have some ligament pain to remind me that neither way is exactly comfortable. I never thought it could happen, but this baby is actually more crazy than Reid and moves around all of the time; especially around 10 p.m. when I am trying to sleep. Whereas I was confident Reid didn’t have his days and nights mixed up in the womb, I am certain this one does….oh great!! We had our 20-week ultrasound a couple weeks ago and chose not to find out the sex. This will certainly make for an even more exciting delivery and I’m glad we went this route this time. I’m fairly convinced that I am destined to have boys, but we will wait and see what happens!
Reid has no idea how much his world is going to change, but if you ask him where the ‘baby’ is, he points to my tummy, gives it kisses and wants to see my bare tummy all of the time (a little awkward in social gatherings J). It’s cute, but he doesn’t fully grasp the concept. Poor little guy is going to have his world turned upside down a bit I think. He is getting so big and learning so much each and every day! He continues to amaze us and is transitioning nicely from baby to ‘big boy’. Along with the arrival of his new brother or sister, Reid will get his very own ‘big boy’ room! We are going to start working on the room this month and hopefully will have it all finished by May. Like the baby in my belly, Reid doesn’t understand the big boy room or his big boy bed, but once it’s done we are hoping he will really like it and want to give up his ‘baby’ room. We have some time though and will switch him over when the time is right; either a month or two before the baby comes or a month or two afterward. The nursery will stay decorated as-is (on the boy side of neutral) and we will add some magenta accents if this little bundle is a girl J
As far as the name game goes, Nate is once again adamant that we will keep the name a secret until he or she is here. We have it narrowed down to one boy name and between two girl names. Given all my pregnant friends right now, I’m a little concerned about name duplication, but people have the same names all of the time, so we will just cross our fingers and hope for the best. It's so hard for us to agree on one name, let alone one for each sex....yikes!
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