Oh my goodness have we been having fun lately! Nate and I find ourselves continually amazed at Reid and all that he is learning; this kid keeps us in absolute stitches and we spend many evenings just cracking up at his antics. Just one month shy of two years old, he is now forming small sentences of “I see___!”, “Nice Kitty” (though the kitty part sounds like a female body part which is even more hilarious—try not laughing at that one!), “Grandma’s House”, “Grandpa’s House”, “No Way!”, “One, Two, Three!”, etc. We also have mini conversations and he is quite the little chatterbox when riding in the car—points out everything he sees and won’t stop talking about it until Mom or Dad acknowledges what he’s said. He’s also mastered “O-S-U, fight fight fight!!”. He spit this all out last night for the first time and I think it was one Nate’s more proud moments
I now see why people have children close together, as they get so easy around this age if we weren’t already pregnant, it would be difficult making the decision to start over. Reid goes everywhere with us and is incredibly active, but easy. He sleeps from 9 until 8 or 9 every morning, naps about 2 hours a day, sleeps anywhere, walks and doesn’t need to be carried much anymore, minds well and is a very sweet and affectionate boy. Now that our once very fussy baby is becoming such a breeze, we might as well add another to the brood!!
Speaking of the addition, we are 35 weeks and on the official countdown! The doctor says that baby is low and head down (thank goodness). They also say that it isn’t likely to be as big as Reid, which makes me feel good as I’ve had fears of a 9 pounder this time and it freaks me out! Reid was 8-4 and big enough for me! I have to take this all with a grain of salt, however, as Reid was only supposed to be 6 or 7 pounds, but by the time he overstayed his welcome by 8 days he ended up being larger. Baby moves around a lot still, but no more summersaults which is a nice change. Now I just feel knees, feet and elbows all over the place, but like big brother, all appendages are on the right side of my body. Whereas Reid would always tickle my ribs, this one jabs me in the hip bones—ouch!
Reid has big plans for his little brother or sister. He wants to hold Baby’s hand, take a bath with Baby and push Baby down the slide at the park (we might wait a year or so on that one). He also likes to push the baby swing the same way that I push him on the swing at the park—I told Nate that I now see why they put seatbelts on baby swings; not for the first child, but for subsequent children at the mercy of crazy toddlers! He maintains that this baby is a girl (he is one of 3 people that say ‘girl’) and that her name is ‘Bed’. We’ve had a day or two where her name changed to ‘Choo Choo’ or ‘inaudible Toddler babble’, but ‘Bed’ is by far the most consistent
Reid is doing just great in his Big Boy bed without rails. He doesn’t move around much at night and still doesn’t get out of bed at all once we put him down (not even in the morning) until we come get him up. Nate and I know that will change at some point and have vowed to try hard not to laugh the first time he does it He’s pretty serious about his sleep though, so all-in-all it will be alright. The nursery is coming along and I’m working on getting things washed up and put away for baby. It helps knowing the baby will be in our room for awhile and thus the nursery has turned into more of a ‘staging’ area—quite a bit more relaxed about all this the second time around.
Future updates on the status of Baby #2 will be posted here on our blog and Kara will try to keep the blog up to date on the big day. We are very excited and can’t wait to meet our new little baby—hard to believe it could be here in just a couple weeks!! Stay tuned……