I’m now hanging out at 4 cm and having contractions every 7-9 minutes that are just uncomfortable, but not painful. Hopefully they are at least accomplishing something to kick this baby into gear and hopefully I will have some ‘real’ contractions soon. The doctor offered to induce me yesterday, but I want to give this little sweetie a few more days. Tomorrow is Reid’s birthday, so we are still running the risk of two kiddos on July 8th, but that would actually be kind of neat and since they are going to be within a couple days of each other anyway, maybe the same day would be easier and more special.
Can’t believe my little sweetie is going to be TWO years old tomorrow….wow, where does the time go?? We are planning a trip to Enchanted Forest in the morning with the grandparents and then will at least give him his present from Mommy and Daddy (a toy lawnmower with a gas can) tomorrow evening. Auntie Emmy flies in tomorrow night for 10 days and it will be so nice to have her around! We will do his family birthday party on Saturday night (as long as the baby hasn’t come) and are planning a friends and family BBQ and birthday party in late July. Looks like we will celebrate Reid’s birthday pretty much the entire month of July!!
Check back for updates, as Kara has promised to keep them coming while I’m busy baby-having