Oh these boys are fun!! So much fun in fact that I haven’t even had time to update this blog in the last few months! I’ll do my best at a quick catch-up now:
We spent the latter part of the summer adjusting to life with two kiddos and eventually fell into a sort of routine. We took a family trip to Yachats and a longer trip to Gold Beach. While in Gold Beach, Reid, Nate and I went on a white water jet boat adventure! I would have never thought about doing this with a 2-year old, but my Aunt Mary Ann wanted to take her grandsons and Nate and I really wanted to go. Reece was not even 6 weeks old and I didn’t want to overwhelm my Mom with the two kids for the entire day, so I looked into whether or not taking Reid was an option. They said they have little people on the trips daily and better yet, he was free! I wasn’t sure if he would love it or be scared at the speed, rapids and spinning of the boat. He LOVED it and we had a fabulous time! Every time the boat would spin, he would say ‘more!, more!’ and the more wet we got, the better! This was an all-day excursion and he finally gave up in the most intense white water part of the river and took a nap on me. The best part of the whole adventure was that Grandpa Don was about 35 miles up-river fishing for the week. They anchored their boat in the middle of the river for the morning fishing excursion so that the jet boat would get right next to them once we made it that far. Reid was so excited to see Grandpa Don and Mama Linda and Grandpa Gary that he didn’t seem at all baffled at the fact that we had driven 5 hours and taken a two-hour boat ride just to see the people we see at home all of the time! Grandpa loved seeing Reid and even joined us at our lunch stop at Agness!
Nate went back to work in late August and I went back in mid-September. I was VERY ready to go back to work and get settled back into our routine. Don’t get me wrong, I miss my little men like crazy when I am gone, but I am not cut out to be a stay at home Mom and have the utmost respect and admiration for those that do it and do it well. It is literally the toughest job you can have! I was able to keep my part-time status at work and recently added a position to my department that will eventually help with the workload and will be necessary moving into the future. Things are quite hectic in my office, but I do like it that way
We traveled to Eagle Crest in October and spent a week there with the family. It was beautiful and cold (in the teens at night) and we had a great time!
I can’t believe it is November already and the Holidays are right around the corner. The boys are both growing like weeds. We took Reece to the doctor last week and he was 17 pounds, 26 inches long and 90th percentile in both height and weight. He is a very big baby and is right on track developmentally. He sleeps very well at night, from about 8:30 until 5 a.m. when he eats a quick bottle and goes back down until 7:30ish. He naps three times a day; a short one in the morning, long nap between noon and two and another short one in the late afternoon. He likes to nap during the day in his swing and because he is spoiled and such an easy baby, we let him At night he puts himself to sleep and has been in his own crib since he was two months old. He’s a happy little fella, but will let you know when he is ready to eat and/or sleep. Those are pretty much the only two things that get him riled up!
Reid is growing like a weed. We constantly get comments from people telling us how tall he is for a 2 year-old. He’s a bean pole, too, just like his Daddy. His talking and comprehension are just amazing; I can’t believe the things he picks up half the time! He started attending Beaver football games with Nate this year and absolutely loves it! They are usually right during his nap time, so he is in the habit of crawling up on Grandma Sheri’s shoulder and taking a snooze. He is a very good boy, but he is two after-all, so that always makes it lively and interesting around our house. He really enjoys having play dates and we try to get together with friends frequently for dinner during the week and let the kiddos play. Reid went to his first movie a couple weeks ago with Grandpa Dale and watched the whole thing! He also loves to watch the Polar Express at home and is excited to go on the ‘real’ Polar Express in December up in Hood River!
Other than that, it’s life as normal around the Neuschwander house….but really, does ‘normal’ exist? We are just enjoying a lot of ‘firsts’ together as a family of four