Tis’ the season for Valentines and I’m soooooooo thankful to have not one, not two, but THREE wonderful men at home to share Valentine’s Day with!!
Things are still quite hectic around our house, but basketball season is (finally) winding down. Reid, Reece and I have had a lot of quality time over the past few months, but we are very excited to have Daddy around each night again. The boys have really enjoyed going to the Rebel games this year and are very well-behaved. Reece, unlike Reid at his age, just sits on my lap and watches the game. He enjoys dancing to the band and just people watching. I catch him smiling at random people all of the time; he is such a happy baby! Reid likes to watch the game as well, but wants to run around upstairs at halftime. This usually works very well because he gets a lot of exercise right before bed
Hmmmm.....what's new and exciting??? Well, Nate and I are going to get away for two nights in March to a resort in Sisters. We have our own little cabin reserved and will go out to dinner, enjoy complimentary nightly cocktail parties, the spa, movie house and spend time doing some trail hiking and whatever else we come up with. It will be some nice time away since we’ve only had 1 night away together in the past 3 years!!! I’m not however foolish enough to think that I won’t miss my little guys like CRAZY the entire time, but I know that we will have a nice time away! Other than that, future travel plans include a long weekend at Eagle Crest, Klamath Falls and 10 days in Hawaii toward the end of summer….CAN’T WAIT!!! We love to get away and am very thankful that my kids are such good little travelers. They will sleep anywhere and car / train / plane trips don’t seem to faze them. I haven’t had Reece on a plane yet, but he’s pretty laid back, so I think he will do great!
Speaking of new and exciting and love.....we've entered a stage in the boys' lives that I wasn't really prepared for and that has somewhat caught me by surprise. I often reflect on my relationship with each of them and our relationship as parents of two boys, but I was not prepared for the pulls my heart strings would get each and every time they interact with one-another. It is the most amazing thing in the world. They are completely in love with each other.....Reece only wants to be by Reid's side every waking minute of the day and Reid will tolerate any amount of hair pulling and face grabbing Reece can throw his way. I wash his hair in the tub and I get tears, but Reece pulls his hair out and he just smiles.....Brotherly love....one of the sweetest things I've ever seen......